With the actress Selma Blair's sudden mild return to the spot light and public conciousnes (this time with bangs even!)the peoples have once again begun telling me of our similar looks.
I don't like it.
Not just that I get annoyed being told that I look like the less pretty, fatter, not-famous version of somebody, but because Selma Blair's life is a gentle, disturbing parallel to my own.
Oh you don't believe me? Fine:
In college I discovered the music of Frank Zappa and fell head over yellow snow in love. It was a profound discovery and I was truly a more complete person after having Zappa in my life.
That year Selma Blair married Frank Zappa's son, Ahmed. (they are now divorced)
I adore Henry Rollins. I have seen him speak 3 or 4 time and play music twice. I even drove up to Albany to see a show a few years ago. I own 3 DVDs. I quote him daily. I love him.
In 2004 at a Henry Rollin's spoken word show at the Zipper Theatre, HR brought up Selma Blair and talked about her 15 minutes, relishing in how much he loved her and how great she was.
I over heat very easily. If I wear one item too many, such as a sweater or an extra thick pari of socks, I can actually get to the danger zone where I will pass out. Usually on the subway. This is a big and serious annoyance in my life.
In the movie Hellboy, Selma plays a character that can burst into fire.
I KNOW!!!!!
....and now she's back, with bangs, the same year I got bangs again, just so the resemblance is that much easier for people to point out.
Perhaps we were simply cut from the same cloth. Or perhaps she is a life thief.
to me, selma blair is the more famous less interesting version of you
also, selmar blair doesn't date anyone so glamorous as yours truly.
i mean, i look WAY better in stripes.
I can't wait for the release of your first co-starring film with Selma in 2011: The Grandparent Trap
im tired of seeing this selma blair story
that was october
it is now december
you need to post something new so i can occupy two minutes of my otherwise bleak and empty days
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