You video game pros
You core players
You heroes of old
You obsessive possibly compulsive
You 12 to 24 hours a dayers
You easter egg finders and bonus room un-lockers
You PC Minecraftians
You posters of 100% completion files free for the download
If you were not writing video game walkthroughs would you be a serial killer, due to your obsessive and meticulous nature?
Another reason to praise your good work
What else can you help me with? Building a solid white deck in Magic the Gathering? I bet you can.
You men and women with time on your hands
Or do you make the time? Work 8 hours and then fall into the arms of your Xbox et al and give Skyrim the next 16 hours of your 24? Or more?
You did that for me?
You tips and trick suggesters
You strategists
You writers of melodious tomes on Water Temples, Fire Temples, and Slimes.
Can we mortals ever repay you for what you hath given us?
Do you even get paid?
I bet you've started a few message board fights in your day
Without you I would be lost
Literally lost
I couldn't move most of the time
I know I am just missing something
I turn to you
And you take my hand and say "Shhh. I've done the work for both of us. Now just send your Hook Beetle down that tunnel and everything will be all right."
I adore you
Never stop
Never change
My relationship with you is deeper then some of the people I interact with on a daily basis
And I will not have it any other way
(Authors Note: The last time I wrote I poem I was in college, drunk, and sitting under my desk talking into a hand held tape recorder. Then I typed it up and submitted it to The New Yorker. That's just a fun memory I thought I'd share with you guys.)
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